
ARMS Parking Devices Obsolescence Notice

Which Parking Devices will No Longer be Supported? ARMS is committed to providing our customers with the highest quality customer service, product support and technologically advanced products. As technology improves

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Maxing Out your ARMS/Maxient Integration

What is Maxient? Maxient is a records system designed for use by Student Conduct offices at institutions of higher education. The system is used for collecting data from a variety of origins on campus in

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Web Integrations in ARMS

As you may have noticed over the past year, there has been a strong focus within our development efforts in adding functionality to ARMS via web applications and moving existing

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Introducing ARMS Self Help Upgrades!

Over the years, our team has received countless requests to allow in-house IT departments the option to manage and maintain their own on-premise data centers. While many of our customers prefer utilizing

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Certifications Through ARMS Academy

We are proud to introduce ARMS Academy, our self-paced Learning Management System(LMS), that dives into every aspect of ARMS, including videos, documents, andhands-on assessments. ARMS Academy offers six unique courses

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