ARMS NIBRS Reporting allows the agency to participate in the state or FBI NIBRS reporting Programs. With the intuitive and robust design of our ‘NIBRS REVIEW’ module, agencies easily collect data for internal statistics, prosecutors and FBI requirements. Data elements are verified at data entry and Submission.

New to NIBRS?


The National Incident Base Reporting System(NIBRS) was implemented by the Department of Justice to improve and enhance the data collected by law enforcement. NIBRS Overview

NIBRS captures details on each single crime incident—as well as on separate offenses within the same incident

NIBRS captures information on victims, known offenders, relationships between victims and offenders, arrestees, and property involved in the crimes.

Unlike data reported through UCR’s traditional Summary System—an aggregate monthly tally of crimes—the NIBRS data captures additional information like:  circumstances and context for crimes; location; time of day….

“The UCR program is actively working to increase NIBRS participation by partnering with the Bureau of Justice Statistics on the National Crime Statistics Exchange, working with advocacy groups to emphasize the importance of NIBRS data for the public and the law enforcement community, and transitioning the UCR program to a NIBRS only data collection by 2021.”


How ARMS Reports NIBRS?


The ARMS system provides the data collection and reporting tools necessary to ensure a quick and easy report writing experience for Patrol Officers and an easy to follow data submission workflow for Records personnel to gather NIBRS submissions from the system to upload to the state/FBI.

Using the ARMS system, transitioning the agency from UCR to NIBRS does not equate to transitioning Patrol Officers to stationary objects behind a keyboard for hours of the day. The intricate rules for NIBRS data submissions are well-managed by the ARMS system in such a way as to not burden the Officer with lengthy time at a laptop/workstation attempting to file a report. ARMS guides the Officer through a workflow designed around quick reporting and returning to the field. The system takes on the complexities of NIBRS on behalf of the user, rather than putting that responsibility on the shoulders of the user.

A thorough review of NIBRS-reportable case data is but a mouse-click away, yet the system does not restrict the Officer from entering case data that is also needed for prosecution purposes which might extend beyond the scope of NIBRS. Using the NIBRS Review feature, the agency Records personnel can view and manage the distinct elements for NIBRS submission from the case report to ensure all meets NIBRS requirements, while allowing the Officer to maintain the report data required for prosecution.

ARMS Mobile provides a quick and easy to use NIBRS data entry experience for Patrol Officers.​
ARMS NIBRS Review compiles the data for Records personnel to see the NIBRS-reportable data elements together in an easy to understand review process before the case data is submitted to the state/FBI.
Report Center allows Records personnel to audit the cases from the month to ensure each case report has been reviewed before monthly NIBRS submission.

CLERY Reporting

Since the passage of the CLERY Act in 1990, the ARMS system has made it easy for college and university Police and Public Safety to manage CLERY-related incidents using a proven workflow of data collection, data management, and data distribution. The ARMS system provides the agency with the tools needed to meet federal requirements for disclosure of campus crime to the consumer.

Failure by the institution to meet CLERY reporting requirements results in steep penalties, such as a $35,000 fine. The CLERY reporting features of ARMS help ensure the agency is compliant with the classification/scoring of offenses, when and where they occurred, and the timely disclosure of new and updated crime details. The ARMS system provides the agency with effective methods to track and report statistics for the annual security report, including recent amendments for Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and Sexual Violence Elimination Act (SaVE). Audit reports in the ARMS system assist the agency with reviewing any CLERY-reportable offense or Title IX-related case report.

Report Center allows Records personnel to view and audit the annual CLERY reports, including those for Hate Crimes and those for Liquor, Drug, or Weapon Violations.


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