The NCIC module integrates seamlessly with our CAD, RMS and Mobile solutions, enabling users to run NCIC queries directly from the module they are currently using.

NCIC Module

The NCIC module integrates seamlessly with our CAD, RMS and Mobile solutions, enabling users to run NCIC queries directly from the module they are currently using.

  • Increases officer safety and citizen safety
  • Maximizes resource efficiencies and increases productivity
  • Increases officers’ visibility in the community
  • Automates time-consuming tasks
  • Improves report quality and accuracy
  • Eliminates redundant data in the RMS database


Benefits of the ARMS NCIC Query

  • Extends basic NCIC query tools to patrol officers in the field
  • Removes need for VPN connection to 3rd party Mobile NCIC Systems
  • Reduces workload on dispatchers

Features :

The ARMS NCIC query application is designed to allow the ARMS user to query NCIC/CLETS information from the ARMS data entry windows. User can query the following items:

  • Persons (Warrants and Driver’s License)
  • Vehicles (Registration and Wants)
  • Guns
  • Boats
  • Article

Our research indicates that this is 80% of most NCIC transactions. These queries are executed from the respective ARMS windows. For example when a user is adding a name to the Master Name file the user may execute a ‘Person’ query or review a recent NCIC result. This allows the agency to use one application for most NCIC/CLETS transactions.

ARMS users in the office can perform basic inquiries without needing access to state terminals.

ARMS NCIC Query meets CJIS Security Policy and FIPS 140-2 requirements for information security and inquiry/response auditing purposes.


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