Advantages Of Thorough Training For Your Dispatchers And Officers

Choosing the best software available for a law enforcement agency or security team is only the first step toward creating more efficient workflows. Training staff members to use this software and get the most out of this tool is crucial. If you recently implemented a new CAD, RMS, or another software solution, providing training so that staff members feel comfortable with this new tool should be a priority. Providing software training will reduce errors and make users more productive. Staff members will feel confident about using the new software in the field with minimal distraction or interruptions. Here are a few training methods and tips to help you get the most out of the modules you implemented.

Why should training be a priority?

Software training reduces the risks of human errors when a new CAD or RMS tool is implemented. Fixing mistakes takes time and a mistake that goes unnoticed means that some data might be difficult to locate in the future or might not be recorded in the first place. Efficiency is another advantage of offering a comprehensive training program. Users who feel comfortable with the software will know right away which feature they need to access for a task they need to complete. The software becomes part of the workflow and users are more productive and can stay focused on what is going on in the field. Offering training will also help you make sure that staff members comply with current regulations. Learning how to properly record and share data with the new software solution decreases risks of noncompliance. Data needs to be properly reported to be useful. The information needs to be accurate and entered in the correct field. Users need to know which form to choose depending on the task they are completing. A comprehensive training program will ensure accurate reporting.

Creating a training program

Software training should begin by addressing an important question: Why is the software used? Answering this question will help users see the value of the software. This will contribute to keeping them motivated throughout the program and understand why they can use the software to help them incorporate this tool into their daily tasks. Understanding why they utilize the software also gives users a better understanding of the goals of the training program. Users who understand the goals of a software training program can play a more active part in the learning process, ask the right questions, and conduct self-assessments. The other core component of your training program consists of explaining how to use the software. Going over the features won’t be enough. You should provide hands-on training so that users can familiarize themselves with the navigation, learn how to access different features, and complete different tasks with the software.


Different training methods to consider

Your training program should be tailored to the needs of your law enforcement agency or security team. Here are a few methods to consider developing a successful training program.

Adapt training to users’ needs

Modality is important when developing a software training program. Not everyone has the same learning style or level. Some users will retain more information when watching a video while others will prefer to engage in hands-on activities with the new software. Ideally, your training program should be varied. You can use a mixture of instructor-led training, presentations, webinars, videos, and maybe social learning experiences. A resource repository is an excellent addition to your program since it will make self-paced learning a possibility. The training materials should be adapted to the level of the users. You might need to use a different material for new hires who don’t have any previous experience with a CAD or RMS tool. Accessibility is another thing to consider. If possible, use content that can be accessed on desktop and on mobile to create a program that users can access on the go.

Boost engagement and information retention with microlearning

Sitting through a two-hour long training session isn’t ideal in terms of information retention. Users will benefit from a software training program that uses microlearning. Microlearning is about delivering information in small modules. Users can complete a module on a specific topic within a few minutes. If this content is available on mobile, users can progress in the training program whenever they have a few minutes of downtime. Spacing out the learning activities gives users plenty of time to digest the new information. They are more alert when they consume the content, and they will be more likely to remember the information and apply what they have learned. This method allows you to reinforce training by offering modules that will act as a refresher for information users have already encountered. Developing these bite-sized lessons is also beneficial if you want to offer a central repository of knowledge. Organizing the information in short lessons makes content easier to search and users can easily check the repository and find the answer they needed by watching a short video.

Maintenance and support

You should consider maintenance and support when developing your training program. Explain how users can reach out to support and in which circumstances they should contact support. Looking into how the software will be maintained is another thing to address before the new tool is rolled out. Your IT staff could probably benefit from additional training. The staff members who will be in charge of supervising the implementation of the new software, redefining workflows and training users will need to receive training for these new roles. You should also communicate with the software vendor and find out more about the training, support, and knowledge base they offer.

Training with ARMS

ARMS offers onsite and online training for CAD and RMS tools. The End2End onsite training program delivers training to a small group of staff members who can then provide training to the rest of the users. This approach means you will always have a trained staff member available to answer questions and provide assistance. Trained staff members will have to pass a test and receive a certificate of completion once they are ready to start training others. The online training solution offered by ARMS is meant to be a refresher but can also be used to train a new hire or administrator. The online training program is a one-on-one session with an instructor in real-time. There are different courses available and you can create a tailored curriculum. A comprehensive training program that is adapted to your needs will help you get the most out of your new CAD, RMS, or other software solutions that you recently implemented. Training will make users more confident, reduce the risks of errors, and increase productivity. ARMS can help you achieve these goals, thanks to our onsite and online training solutions.


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