ARMS Mobile addresses the age old problem of extending an agency’s collection and querying of data to mobile units in the field. In this day and time, your resources must be deployed more efficiently. Keeping your Officers in the field, instead of in the office is key. ARMS Mobile delivers this information to the field. ARMS Mobile however, is more than just a mobile solution for laptops and MDTs. ARMS Mobile can be used on any device with either a Wi-Fi or Cellular connection or hot spots. ARMS Mobile gives officers access to interact with CAD and the dispatch users as well as complete case reports from the mobile devices.

ARMS Mobile Suite

ARMS Mobile addresses the need for officers in the field to quickly and accurately respond to calls. ARMS Mobile Suite includes:

  • Mobile CAD
  • Mobile Queries
  • Mobile Report Writer

Mobile CAD provides field personnel with the ability to receive and acknowledge incident data in real time, as well as update CAD status times and notes without the need for radio dispatching. Officers also have the option to create an officer-initiated event.
Mobile Queries provide users with the ability to query state, regional or national databases for a variety of items including persons, vehicles and property.
Mobile Report Writer extends your records management system into the field, allowing officers to write reports when and where they happen. Report Writer increases accuracy and keeps officers productive and on patrol.

Ease of Use

Device Independent, use tablets running iOS, Android or Windows ;

ARMS Mobile provides queries for Names, Properties, Vehicles, Business as well as NCIC look ups;

Intuitive step by step windows guide users through data entry

Comprehensive Mobile Suite

Field personnel are able to complete all incident data, including narratives, names, property and follow up reports that are required;

Users can complete a full Field Interview directly from Mobile CAD window;

Allows multiple Address, Phone, Physical Description of a person; no overwriting historical records.

Real time queries with Real time information

Location History — Officer Safety Alerts, Weapons On premises alerts and Hazmat information is transferred to the CAD event notes;

Active call interaction with assistance from Google Maps; Review details of cleared calls from the last 12 hours;

Query connectivity available to NCIC, CJIS, and databases.

Features of ARMS Mobile :

  • Is fully integrated with ARMS CAD/RMS
  • Increases the efficiency of field personnel while increasing officer safety
  • Expedites the distribution of information to field personnel and minimize time spent on responses
  • Allows you to use a single vendor for your CAD/RMS/Mobile needs
  • Enables silent dispatching
  • Provides car-to-car messaging and car-to-dispatch messaging
  • Yields real-time information on location changes and suspect information
  • Operates in a connected environment
  • Gives personnel the ability to acknowledge and update any element of the CAD record, mimicking the dispatch center
  • Allows incidents to be managed entirely through data transmissions, regardless of whether it is for a single unit or multiple units
  • Allows field personnel to complete all required incident data, including narratives, names, property and follow-up reports
  • Allows users to query vehicles, names and property within the cached ARMS database without real-time connections
  • Allows users to query connectivity available to NCIC, CJIS and DMV databases


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