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There are many items that you can add to a Location/GEO File to enhance the information that a dispatcher and officer can be aware of during an incident.
A dispatcher may be managing many events happening concurrently and each event or incident will be accompanied by its own set of rules and procedures or “Standard Operating Procedures”.
In ARMS Skills and Equipment are exactly that; if a specific unit has a unique skill other units/officers do not possess, ARMS users would be able to designate this in the system.
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With years of data in your ARMS instance, it can sometimes be difficult to find the record that you are looking for.
CAD Units are a way that your department can set up a user or multiple users to be dispatched to calls.
When looking at a move to an ARMS SaaS Cloud-hosted environment, there are many questions that a department might have.
Over the years, our team has received countless requests to allow in-house IT departments the option to manage and maintain their own on-premise data centers.
We are proud to introduce ARMS Academy, our self-paced Learning Management System (LMS), that dives into every aspect of ARMS, including videos, documents, and hands-on assessments.
A public safety organization must have a method to share its data in an effective, simple manner.
The state of Texas is now collecting more data for incidents involving family violence and drug seizures, which will require the submission of Segment Level 8 with incident reports.
Microsoft’s official recommendations to set up an SQL server include 6 GB of hard-disk space, 1 GB of RAM, and 2.9 GHz of processor speed.
With technology constantly changing, you need to ensure that your agency has the latest tech at your disposal.
How do you communicate with your university’s Student Conduct department? Do you regularly share incident reports with Student Conduct or only communicate with the department when a serious incident occurs?
The technology related to software-as-a-service, commonly known as SaaS, has consistently grown over the years. This growth applies across multiple fields, including the sector of private and public safety.
The NIBRS or National Incident Based-Reporting System was implemented in the late 1980s to capture more accurate data about crime on a national level.
The FBI has been compiling crime data at a national level since the 1930s, thanks to its Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program.
No matter the primary location that your security team works to serve, you must be able to share data across your systems.
As part of the reports that your team creates, you must ensure that everyone is on the same page.
It is common for campus security departments to experience confusion as to what specific incidents must appear on the daily log that the school publishes.
Your agency deals with a lot of data, and this information is not limited to documents, but instead includes all sorts of multimedia, such as surveillance video, photos, and other potentially large files.
Ready to move from your legacy system? ARMS will port your data for free for a limited time.