ARMS Secures Strategic Growth Investment from Vertica Capital Partners | Read More
At ARMS, our mission has always been to empower public safety agencies with modern, efficient Software-as-a-Service solutions that streamline operations and deliver better outcomes for communities. Today, we’re thrilled to announce a major milestone in that journey: a strategic investment from Vertica Capital Partners, a leading software-focused private equity firm. This investment represents a transformative…
With police and security departments across the US using our software, the ARMS team works with customer IT departments that fill a large range of size, availability, and capability. We began offering a hosted solution to enable every current and future customer to experience our Software as a Service (SaaS) model so that they can…
ARMS is committed to providing our customers with the highest quality customer service, product support and technologically advanced products.
Effective June 1st, 2023, ARMS will stop supporting Trimble Nomad, Trimble Juno, and Zebra QLn Series printers due to end-of-life declarations and parts scarcity.
ARMS Park is a new Android app replacing the ARMS MCW handheld app, featuring improved functionality, a refreshed interface, Wi-Fi syncing, enhanced security, and individual citation control.
In today’s world, the day-to-day use of any service wants an easy-to-use portal that they can access from their smart device.
Maxient is a records system designed for use by Student Conduct offices at institutions of higher education.
The scene of an incident or crime is no longer limited to just the physical location.
As you may have noticed over the past year, there has been a strong focus within our development efforts in adding functionality to ARMS via web applications and moving existing features to a web format.
Many departments see new ARMS users come into their department or see current ARMS users move into different roles within ARMS.
Over the years, our team has received countless requests to allow in-house IT departments the option to manage and maintain their own on-premise data centers.
We are proud to introduce ARMS Academy, our self-paced Learning Management System (LMS), that dives into every aspect of ARMS, including videos, documents, and hands-on assessments.
A public safety organization must have a method to share its data in an effective, simple manner.
The state of Texas is now collecting more data for incidents involving family violence and drug seizures, which will require the submission of Segment Level 8 with incident reports.
Microsoft’s official recommendations to set up an SQL server include 6 GB of hard-disk space, 1 GB of RAM, and 2.9 GHz of processor speed.
With technology constantly changing, you need to ensure that your agency has the latest tech at your disposal.
How do you communicate with your university’s Student Conduct department? Do you regularly share incident reports with Student Conduct or only communicate with the department when a serious incident occurs?
The NIBRS or National Incident Based-Reporting System was implemented in the late 1980s to capture more accurate data about crime on a national level.
The FBI has been compiling crime data at a national level since the 1930s, thanks to its Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program.
No matter the primary location that your security team works to serve, you must be able to share data across your systems.