Informed Dispatch Using Global Queries

What are Global Queries?

With years of data in your ARMS instance, it can sometimes be difficult to find the record that you are looking for. To aid in this effort, ARMS has implemented a module to help you find exactly the record that you are looking for. Global Queries allows you to search through almost every module in ARMS by several different fields. Once the record has been located, you can select it directly from Global Queries and the record will open in its respective module. 


How do Global Queries work?

To access Global Queries, open the ARMS thick client and select File > Global Queries or through CAD > Functions > Global Queries, then select the field you want to search on. In the example below, we are searching by Crime/Incident Code and we can select from CAD, CASE, Master Name, or Arrests. After the code is selected and the search is ran, you can view a preview of the record in the bottom of the result screen, or double-click on a record to open it in its module.

As you can see on the left-hand column, Global Queries can be used to search for Crime Code, Location, Property, Names, Vehicles, Narratives, Reporting Person, and BOLOs. Each option can search through several different modules throughout the ARMS suite.

Why should I use Global Queries?

Global Queries is a powerful tool that aids in searching through uncommon fields that there may not be a canned report for. A great example of this is Reporting Party names and BOLOs. In CAD, you can only search for the last name of your RP. In Global Queries, reporting parties can be searched by all four of the related fields: First, Last, Phone, and Address. 

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