ARMS Campus Safety Tips

College students are preparing for their Summer semesters, a time when campuses are less crowded, allowing greater opportunity for incidents. Being vigilant on personal safety, especially as it pertains to campus life, should be a priority to your department. Here are five ways your department can help students stay safe year-round!

DPS/Police department office location awareness

Every school has a safety office located on campus, and some students might not know where theirs is. The campus safety office is a resource students can use for services such as counseling and wellness, security and privacy, crime prevention, and sexual assault response and prevention. If the opportunity arises, make students aware that they can visit the school website or call the safety office to find out any of these programs they might offer.

Campus emergency systems

Almost all campuses have emergency call buttons or phones located throughout the campus for students to utilize in an emergency. Educate your students on where these areas have been located.

Situational awareness

Encourage students to think before they post, so scammers or potential stalkers do not have access to knowing where they are. If they ask how they can do this, give them helpful tips such as not publicly announcing when they are home alone, or when they are leaving their dorm room unattended.

Motivate students to plan before they go

Students should always have a plan in place when they are out and about. Make sure they know things they need to consider such as using a GPS or campus map to avoid being unsure about where they are going.

Create campus awareness of any self-defense programs your school may offer

Take a proactive approach and create campus awareness of any self-defense programs so students know what to do if they need to protect themselves. Having self-defense skills can help students with their self-esteem and confidence and your campus may have public services students can participate in. These services include Rape Aggression Defense, Assertiveness Training, Drug Awareness Programs, and others. Make students aware that they can call or email your campus safety office for any self-defense programs they may offer.

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