The state of Texas is now collecting more data for incidents involving family violence and drug seizures, which will require the submission of Segment Level 8 with incident reports. The purpose of these changes is to provide the state of Texas with more accurate information that will result in an improved statistical analysis of crime. Law agencies that are participating in the TX NIBRS program will need to fill out a few additional data fields to provide the required information collected by the state of Texas. More changes are coming to the TX NIBRS program in early 2019 as the state will begin collecting more information in cases involving sexual violence. For now, you need to familiarize yourself with Segment Level 8 and with the new data fields you will need to code in cases involving family violence or drug seizures.

Cases requiring Segment Level 8

You will need to submit Segment Level 8 as part of a complete incident report when:

  1. The incident involves family violence.
  2. There are more than three types of drugs involved in a drug seizure case.
  3. Marijuana plants were seized from a garden, wild field, cultivated field or greenhouse.
  4. Clandestine labs or precursor chemicals were seized as part of an incident.

If a case involves family violence, you will have to code a single data field as Y on Segment 8. The nature of the relationship between the offender and the victim is to be reported on Segment Level 4. Note that you cannot code this field as Y if Segment Level 4 indicates a non-family or unknown relationship. If a drug seizure case involves more than three different types of drugs, you will need to report the three main drug types on Segment Level 3. This is the data the FBI will use in the context of the NIBRS program. However, you would enter ‘X’ in the third field to indicate that more than three drug types were seized, and add Segment Level 8 to the incident report to list the additional drug types seized and satisfy the new Texas crime reporting requirements. You will also find additional fields for reporting the estimated drug quantity seized, the number of marijuana plants seized, information about where the plants were cultivated, the number of clandestine labs seized, the type of drugs manufactured and the quantities of precursor chemicals seized.

Segment Level 8 fields

Here is a breakdown of the fields you will find on Segment Level 8:

  • (T1) County Indicator.
  • (1) ORI Number.
  • (2) Incident Number.
  • (3) Incident Date.
  • (T2) Family Violence Indicator. Code this field with Y or N.
  • (T3) Utility Field. This field is no longer in use and should be left blank. It will be removed in future layouts.
  • (T4) Type Marijuana Fields and Gardens. Enter the corresponding number to indicate where the seized marijuana plants were cultivated.
  • (T5) Number Marijuana Fields and Gardens. This data element indicates the number of fields, greenhouses, fields, etc that were seized.
  • (T6) Number Of Clandestine Labs Seized. Enter the number of labs seized during the operation.
  • (T7) Type of Drug Manufactured. Use the corresponding number code to indicate the type of drug manufactured in the lab that was seized. This field occurs twice so you can enter more than one type of drug.
  • (T8) Quantity of Precursor Chemical Seized. Enter an estimated amount.
  • (T9) Type Measurement For Precursor Chemical. Use the corresponding code for the measurement unit used.
  • (20) Suspected Drug Type. Use the corresponding letter code to indicate the type of drug seized.
  • (21) Estimated Drug Quantity. Enter the estimated quantity seized.
  • (22) Type Drug Measurement. Enter the corresponding code for the measurement unit used. Fields 20 through 22 are repeated five times so you can list different types of drugs.

Segment Level 9

Specifications for Segment Level 9 will become available in early 2019. The purpose of this segment is to capture additional data specific to incidents involving sexual violence. We will add these fields in our software so you can capture all the data required by the state of Texas and will keep you up to date as soon as the specifications are released. Remember to include Segment Level 8 if an incident report includes family violence, or if a drug seizure case includes any of the following: three or more drug types, marijuana plants, clandestine lab(s), or precursor chemicals. Contact the ARMS support team if you have any questions about filling out Segment Level 8.